When a child makes the transition from being cared for at home today care or school, the family is faced with a lot of new situations and changes in life. If the child has special needs, preparation for these changes should be thorough. Cooperation between the rehabilitation services provider and day care or school is essential to guarantee the child an optimal learning environment.
Day care
- Caring for Children with Special Needs: Hearing Impairments [PDF] (North Carolina State University)
- Federation of Hard of Hearing: Päivähoidossa on kuulovammainen lapsi [PDF] (a guide for day care staff, in Finnish)
Supporting learning
- Andy Palmer: As school starts again, my tips for other parents of deaf children
- Teaching a Child with Hearing Loss
- Using Images in Teaching – A Quick Guide [Global Grid for Learning]
- Inclusive Learning – Hearing Impairments [BBC] Excellent related links!
- Teaching Hearimg Impaired Children [Teach Magazine]
- Kuuloliiton opas: Koulussa on kuulovammainen oppilas [PDF] (a guide for teaching staff, in Finnish)
- Accomodations for Children with Hearing Loss[successforkidswithhearingloss.com]